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- Kids’ Toothpaste
- Kids’ Toothbrush
- Kids’ Mouthwash
- Brush Time
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- Teeth and Gums
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Kids’ Toothpaste
What is the best toothpaste for my child?
Kids’ toothpastes are usually different to adult toothpastes, often containing less fluoride to reduce any risk from swallowing too much fluoride. They also typically have child-friendly flavours to help encourage brushing, and many have reduced foaming action.
The Aquafresh Kids range (Milk Teeth, Little Teeth, Big Teeth and Advance) are designed with age-appropriate fluoride levels and with specific age preferences for flavour and foaming in mind. All have age guidelines to help you give your little one great toothcare at every stage.
In some cases, kids may need higher fluoride levels, if their teeth are considered by their dentist to be at more risk of cavities. This will be covered by your dentist who may recommend a specific toothpaste for your child.
Learn more about choosing toothpaste for your child. -
How much toothpaste should I put on my child's toothbrush?
Children under three should only use a smear of a children’s toothpaste. Then once they’re older (3-6 years) and are less likely to swallow the toothpaste, they should use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
Read our full brushing guide for children…..and always refer to the product label directions. -
When can my child use adult toothpaste?
Adult toothpastes commonly contain more fluoride than toothpastes for very young children, so if kids use them there may be an increased risk of them swallowing too much fluoride. Adult toothpastes can often also have a stronger minty flavour and higher foaming that kids may not like.
So, until they are ready, we recommend sticking to a child-friendly toothpaste. Which is why the Aquafresh Kids range has a dedicated toothpaste to cover them at every stage.
In some cases, kids’ teeth can be at more risk of cavities and specific oral care products may be appropriate. At visits to the dentist they may recommend a specific toothpaste for your child.
Learn more about adult and kids’ toothpastes.
Kids’ Toothbrushes
How often should I replace my child’s toothbrush?
What type of toothbrush should I get for my child?
As children get bigger, so do their mouths and hands. Which is why Aquafresh have designed a range of kids’ toothbrushes to cover them at every stage.
Some beginner children’s toothbrushes, like Aquafresh Milk Teeth, have a smaller head designed for a smaller mouth, and soft bristles to gently clean little teeth and help protect sensitive gums.
Then as their mouth develops and they have more teeth to brush at around three years old, they can move to a larger toothbrush like Aquafresh Little Teeth. Then, for kids of around six, they can start to use our Aquafresh Big Teeth range. These brushes have longer bristles to reach in between their teeth and age-appropriate handles they can hold on their own as they start to brush their own teeth.
Learn more about choosing the best toothbrush for your child. -
What's the difference between soft and medium bristles?
Soft-bristle toothbrushes such as Aquafresh Milk Teeth, Little Teeth and Big Teeth, have thinner bristles than medium-bristle or hard-bristle brushes. Thinner bristles are more flexible, whereas thicker bristles are more resistant to bending.
Learn more about choosing the best toothbrush for your child. -
Should my child rinse after brushing?
After brushing, try to encourage your child to spit and not rinse. That way, they keep more of the fluoride from the toothpaste in their mouth which helps protect their teeth. Some young children can find it hard to spit, so it’s important to help them learn, to ensure they swallow as little toothpaste as possible.
Learn more ways to care for your child's teeth.
Kids’ Mouthwash
At what age can my child use mouthwash?
With very young children it's recommended not to use fluoride mouthwash – instead it’s best to stick to just brushing with toothpaste. Then at around six years old, when they are less likely to swallow the mouthwash and their permanent teeth start to come through, they can use fluoride mouthwash.
Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash for children six and above contains fluoride to help keep teeth strong.
Learn more about Aquafresh Big Teeth Mouthwash.
Brush Time
How many times a day should I brush my child’s teeth?
How can I make brush time fun and not a chore?
There are many ways to help make brushing more fun for your child. For example, a great way to keep your child interested is to brush together.
Or get hold of a tooth brushing timer and challenge them to keep brushing for as long as the timer keeps going.
For help making brush time, fun time, download the free Aquafresh Brush Time app. Captain Aquafresh and the Nurdles sing and dance on screen, while your little one brushes their teeth clean. With a catchy song, points to collect, brushing tips and a two-minute timer that counts down, it helps them learn the importance of a good daily brush.
Learn other ways to make brushing feel fun. -
What’s the right brushing technique for children?
There's no one right way to brush, but one commonly recommended method is to clean each tooth with a gentle circular motion. Make sure you clean all the surfaces of their teeth and right up to the gum line, brushing both the top and bottom teeth.
For younger children, you can sit them on your lap when you brush their teeth. It’s so much easier and it helps to stop them wriggling. Once they get older, you can stand behind them and brush along until you know they have it mastered.
Read our full brushing guide for children. -
Should I check my child’s teeth after they have finished brushing?
While they’re young, it’s important to make sure your child is brushing properly. Why not turn it into a fun game? Tilt their head up a little and get them to open wide, pretending to be a crocodile or a fierce tiger, or ask them to smile like a monkey and show you their lovely teeth.
Learn other useful brushing tips for little teeth. -
When can my child brush their teeth on their own?
Most children will struggle to brush their teeth properly until they are around seven – although every child is different. Until that time, you should brush their teeth and as they grow, help them learn the right way to brush for themselves. You should also continue to supervise your child, once they start brushing for themselves, to minimise swallowing.
Read our full brushing guide for children.
When should I first take my child to the dentist?
Taking your baby to the dentist is a big milestone – and that can happen as soon as that first tooth appears, usually around six months old. It’s unlikely they will need any treatment at this stage. The dentist will simply check to see that your baby’s teeth are growing the way they should.
As they get a little older you might like to take them with you when you visit the dentist for your own check-ups. Letting them see you happily with the dentist could help them feel at ease when they’re sitting in the chair.
Learn more about your child's first dentist visit. -
What do I do if my child has a toothache?
How do I make my child’s diet safer for their teeth?
Milk, cheese, yoghurt, soya beans, tofu and nuts are all rich in calcium, which is good for teeth and bones.
Many children love sugar and fizzy drinks. The trouble is that many of the bacteria that live on our teeth love it too, and turn the sugar into acids, which attack enamel and can lead to cavities. If your child keeps eating too much sugary food (or drinking sugary drinks), their teeth end up being exposed to too much acid for the natural repair process to handle – and that’s when they can start to decay. So, protecting your child’s teeth is about how much sugar they have, and also about how often they have it.
If you can, try and encourage them to limit sugary foods and drinks to mealtimes. In between meals, stick to fruit, vegetables, cheese, milk and water to help keep their teeth healthy.
Learn more ways to care for your child's teeth. -
When should my child start cleaning between their teeth?
Flossing and interdental brushes help prevent plaque build-up and remove food debris trapped in between teeth. Once any two teeth touch each other, you should start cleaning between your child’s teeth once a day to help keep them healthy. Then as they get older, you can teach them to do it on their own.
Learn more ways to care for your child's teeth. -
How can I help prevent my child from getting tooth decay?
The most important step to prevent decay is to ensure children maintain a healthy diet and limit sugary foods and drinks.
You can also help prevent tooth decay by:
- Brushing twice a day for at least two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and cavities.
- Visiting a dentist regularly.
Learn more about your child's first dentist visit. -
What should I do if my child grinds their teeth?
What is acid erosion and how should I protect my child's teeth from it?
Fruit juices and fizzy drinks (even diet ones) are generally quite acidic. If your child drinks a lot of them, the acid can start to erode the surfaces of the enamel on their teeth. This is different from tooth decay, because it's the drink that attacks the teeth directly – rather than food sugars being turned into acids by plaque bacteria. This means acid erosion can attack the whole surface of the tooth at once, whereas decay tends to occur in the nooks and crannies of teeth where plaque is hardest to remove.
Acid erosion can lead to permanent damage to teeth. But there are some simple ways it can be avoided:
- Try to limit fizzy drinks and fruit juices to mealtimes, giving children milk or water in between.
- Drink using a straw that is directed to the back of the mouth, reducing the drink’s contact with their teeth.
- Try not to let your child swish drinks around in their mouth.
- It's particularly important not to let your child have acidic or sweet drinks before bedtime, as the body's natural defence processes don't work as well when they are asleep. Only give your child water to drink before going to bed.
Learn more about taking your child to the dentist to check on their teeth’s development
Teeth & Gums
When will my child start teething?
Children normally start teething around six months, although some babies may start sooner or later than this. Lower middle teeth are typically the first ones to come through and the last teeth to appear are the back molars. By three years your child should have all their 20 milk teeth.
Learn more about the stages of teething. -
What can I do to soothe my child’s gums when teething?
There are several things you can do to help your baby cope with teething:
- Extra cuddles and TLC are the best place to start. They could be confused about what’s happening and just need reassurance from you.
- Cold objects to chew on can help soothe teething pain, and are a great distraction too. Try giving them a chilled clean washcloth or teething ring. Making sure it’s not frozen hard, as this could hurt when biting down.
- Use a clean finger or moistened pad to gently rub your baby's gums. Small amounts of pressure can help ease your baby's discomfort, and the action makes another good distraction.
- Wipe dribble regularly to avoid their mouth and chin becoming sore. If it looks red, add small amounts of petroleum jelly or a water-based cream to sore areas to protect the skin and help it heal.
- If these remedies aren’t working, sugar-free infant teething gels can help reduce the pain. These may also contain a local anaesthetic, so it’s always best to check with your pharmacist first. Other pain relief like infant paracetamol and ibuprofen can also help with teething pains. But, as always, read the label first to check it’s right for your child.
Read our full teething guide below. -
Can I brush my baby’s teeth?
Yes! You should start cleaning your baby’s teeth as soon as they come through the gums. There are toothbrushes designed for babies that make it easier to brush them. Always brush twice a day to help it become part of your child’s daily routine. Then once they get older, you can teach them how to brush their own teeth.
Learn more about caring for your child's teeth. -
How do my child’s teeth change during their childhood?
Your child will grow 20 milk teeth in total (they’ll get 32 adult teeth later when their mouths have grown big enough).
Both sets are made up of three different types of teeth, each designed to make short work of the different kinds of food we eat.
- Incisors: These tend to come through first and are the flat teeth at the front that are great for biting into food.
- Canines: These often come through next and are the pointy ones at the side that help us tear tough foods apart.
- Molars: Normally the last baby teeth to appear, these are the big ones at the back that crush and grind our food into small pieces.
Learn more about the stages of teething. -
Is thumb sucking bad?
Some children find thumb-sucking comforting, and of course there can be times when they need to self-comfort. However, it can also put pressure on their front teeth and start pushing them forward – which could mean they’ll need to wear a brace for a period of time when they’re older to move them back into alignment.
If possible, it’s best to avoid thumb-sucking, and try to encourage them to break the habit if it’s already started. Try talking to your child about it. Help them understand why they need to stop, and gently point out when you see them do it so they gradually learn to stop. If you’re having trouble, try giving a reward for each day or week they don’t suck their thumb, helping them feel like they’re doing a good job.
Learn more about thumb-sucking and how to encourage your child to stop here. -
What are teeth made of?
Teeth are made up of three main parts. On the outside is a protective layer of enamel, the hardest substance in your body. Below that is a bone-like substance called dentine, which makes up the largest part of the tooth. Underneath the dentine, the tooth actually has a soft centre. This is called the pulp, and it houses all of the tooth’s blood vessels and nerves.
Tooth decay starts in the enamel, which has no feeling. But once it reaches the dentine, it's likely to cause a toothache. If decay ever spreads as far as the pulp, it can be incredibly painful. But by limiting your intake of sugary food and drink, brushing twice a day with a fluoride containing toothpaste, and with regular dentist visits, you should be able to prevent decay from becoming established.
Learn more about tooth decay and how you can prevent it. -
When will my child’s milk teeth fall out?
Every child is different, but the first teeth usually start to be replaced by adult teeth when your child is around six years old. These permanent teeth will have been growing in the gums for some time, but it’s only when your child gets to about six that the first big tooth will start to emerge through the gum. As this happens, the root of the milk tooth dissolves, making it wobbly. And because the big tooth keeps growing, it pushes the little tooth out completely to make room for itself.
Learn more about the stages of teething.
- NHS. Lifestyle tips for healthy teeth. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/lifestyle-tips-for-healthy-teeth/. Accessed 30/09/2021
- Bupa. Top 10 teeth staining foods. https://www.bupa.co.uk/newsroom/ourviews/teeth-staining-foods. Accessed 30/09/2021